modern hot tub maintenance efficiency

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on how modern technology and innovations have improved the world of hot tub maintenance. Caring for your hot tub or spa is exponentially easier than it would have been even a couple decades ago, and this is almost all due to improvements in this field and the sorts of chemicals, surfaces and other solutions that are used.

At Dolphin Pools & Spa, we’re proud to serve as an authorized Bullfrog Spa dealer in Utah, bringing these industry-leading products to your home while also assisting with themes like long-term care and maintenance. Here are some of the other top resources available to you in these areas that would not have been even a generation past, plus how you can capitalize on them to keep your spa not only pristine and comfortable, but also adding value to your home.

Wipe-Clean Surfaces

One major innovation that’s had a big impact on hot tub cleaning and maintenance is what’s known as the wipe-clean surface, which describes a synthetic material that’s the default for things like hot tub cabinets and other surfaces today. This surface requires only basic dusting and spraying, the same as you’d perform for patio furniture, and is naturally resistant to not only moisture, but also spa chemicals and sunlight.

In addition, inner shells have also improved significantly. They use polymer and non-porous, ABS-backed acrylic that will completely block all dirt and contaminants, plus are extremely easy to clean using little but a basic wipe-down. There may be minor calcium buildup issues on these surfaces, but this is very easily remedied with some basic scale defense solution.

Basic Tutorials

While it’s not a form of hot tub technology, one tech-related area that certainly wasn’t available to your parents for their hot tub maintenance was online tutorials. While our authorized dealers will walk you through all the basic maintenance and care needs for your spa upon purchase, these videos can be a helpful way to follow up on what you’ve learned or jog your memory if it’s been a while. Be careful to only trust online advice from reputable sources such as the hot tub manufacturer, however.

Energy Efficiency

Finally, one major benefit that every new spa buyer today receives is greater energy efficiency than what used to be possible. From energy-efficient pumps to insulation themes, hot tub covers and numerous other areas, today’s hot tubs store their energy better, allow less temperature loss and are generally much easier to not only care for, but also to optimize for peak efficiency so you’re limiting both your energy bill and your carbon footprint.

For more on modern care techniques for your spa, speak to the staff at Dolphin Pools & Spas today.