Many homeowners love having a pool, and when the summer temperatures reach the triple digits in the desert, it’s great to have a place where you can go to cool off, have fun, and spend time together with friends and family. The problem for many homeowners is that while they love having their pool, they don’t spend enough time learning how to properly care for it, which means they might be doing things (even inadvertently) that are harming the pool in the long-term and could shorten the lifespan of that pool or require more frequent repairs. Here are just a few of the most common pool care mistakes homeowners make.
1: Improper Chlorine Use
Chlorine and other chemicals are designed to keep the water in your pool healthy and balanced so the people who jump in don’t get sick, but if you’re not using chlorine the right way, you could be putting all pool users at risk. The more people using your pool, the more chlorine you will need to keep the water safe and healthy. However, too much chlorine can also be harmful to the health of those who get in the water, so balance is the key. If you’re not sure how much chlorine should be in your pool, talk to a pool expert in Utah today to find out.
2: Inviting Furry Friends into the Pool
While it’s always fun to have Fido jump in and play in the pool for a while, if you’re letting furry pets get in the water regularly and not properly cleaning out the filters, the fur could clog up essential systems. After pets jump in for a swim, use a net to capture any fur that remains behind, and clean out the skimmer basket and filter the following day so the fur doesn’t clog critical equipment or get circulated back into the pool.
3: Trying to Save Money on the Pool Pump
It might seem intuitive to run the pool pump as little as possible so you can save money on electricity, but you might actually be costing yourself more in the long run, since the pool pump is designed to keep the pool clean, filter out debris, and avoid algae growth. For average pools that have no problems with algae growth, running the pump about 8 hours a day should be enough, but if you’ve had issues with clean water, you might need to run it for longer (perhaps even 24 hours) until the problem is cleared.
4: Not Cleaning Pool Walls
We understand, scrubbing pool walls is certainly not the glamorous side of owning a pool, but if you fail to do the appropriate maintenance in between pool parties, you could be setting your pool up for algae growth. Use a soft pool brush that won’t scratch tile or other surfaces, and schedule regular cleaning to prevent debris buildup. If you don’t have time to scrub pool walls, consider hiring a professional pool cleaning company to get it done.
Understanding proper pool maintenance can go a long way toward ensuring that your pool is clean and ready for the next family party or relaxing summer day.